Friday, October 19, 2018

Week 7 - October 19th, 2018

Hi There!  It was a fun but short week this week in 1B!  We continued work on our Colour Wheel project which has been a huge hit.  We have been talking about primary and secondary colors, and soon we will get to do some real color mixing in class.  Students were excited each day to bring in their many coloured items.  Doesn't it look awesome!

In gym we have been working on throwing and aiming.  This week the gym had target practice stations and fitness challenges.

In Math we continued our patterns unit and had another visit from Zero The Hero.  He left us a few projects: for one we had to make a pumpkin out of 30 pieces of orange paper, and the other was 30 Fruit Loops that he gave specific instructions to make patterns with.  Students also started to learn about counting by 2, 5 and 10 as we sorted and grouped the Fruit Loops.

In our pattern unit we learned how to label a pattern and write down the pattern rule.

In Language Arts we finished all the Alphabet Letters in the Animated Literacy program.  Next week students will come home with a book to show you each sound and action that they have learned.  When reading with your children, remind students to look at the letters and match them to the sound. Start with the beginning sounds of words.  We don't want students memorizing the books we want students to look at each word and decode each of the sounds.  They are very good at remembering those sounds when they think about the characters and actions. 

We will continue to learn a few more letter blend combinations and common vowel sounds through this program going forward. 

This week we also started a project with the book Big Pumpkin.  We have read the story a few times together and did some work with the setting of a story, characters in a story and the problem of the story.  This helps with the reading comprehension and is important in understanding or increasing the children's book knowledge.   Next week we will be working on noting what happens in the beginning, middle and end of a story, sequencing a story and reenacting a story.  So much fun!

Thursday we had our first Science Day where students painted with natural materials, learned about making colours lighter and darker, they learned the difference between transparent and opaque, as well as how to transfer colour onto fabric (with tie dying).

We did an awesome Art Project this week with the primary colours.  Piet Mondrain uses shapes and primary colours to make works of art, and that's what we did too!  

This week on October 26th, our class will be presenting a special video that we made with the Grade 4's teaching the school a little bit more about Respect.  I will share the video after it has made it's first debut at the assembly.  Please feel free to come to the assembly and watch if you have the time.  Here are a few pictures of the process!

A very special Happy Birthday to Kris!  We love having Kris in 1B!

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