Friday, October 5, 2018

Week 5 - October 5th, 2018

Here is my short and sweet blog post for this week!  I hope everyone enjoys this Thanksgiving Day Weekend!

We finally finished our "All about Me!" Book this week and spent the last few days reading the book to each other.  It has been so great getting to know everyone a bit better.

We also agreed on a class set of rules this week.  We talked about 1B being a group, and that groups sometimes need rules to work together better.  We talked about how we all belong together in 1B and that everyone in the group needs feel important and that they belong.  Students helped me come up with rules that we can all follow.   We all signed our names and agreed to try our very best to follow and remember these important rules. 

We continued our Animated Literacy and have learned 17/26 letters.  I'm really impressed with how well the students are remembering each character, sound, and action.  We have also been focusing our morning centres on Rhyming!

In Language Arts during our reading time this week we really focused on "how to read a book" by tracking each word with our fingers.  We learned the Reading Strategy: Stretchy Snake, who helps us to remember to say each sound in the words slowly by stretching out the word and then saying all the sounds again quickly to help us figure out the word.  We used an elastic band to practice this strategy and we will be practicing this again all next week.  It is a very important strategy that really seems to make sense to kids.

Image result for stretchy snake reading strategy

Zero the Hero came again this week and brought us a little treat and some shaving cream!  He told the kids that they had to practice writing the words to 20 in their shaving cream, and practice counting over and over again!  Who were we to argue with Zero the Hero? of course we made quite a mess!

1B is very thankful too!  We read a few stories this week about being Thankful and Giving Thanks, and these kids really understood what it means to be thankful!  Many students talked about their family, and friends and even a couple were thankful for their Teacher!  So, so sweet!  Check out these turkeys!

In Math, we started our sorting unit!  Students talked and helped me generate a list of different ways to sort.  We sorted a bunch of animals that we had in our class, and Mrs. Nuttall in 1D lent us a story about a boy who sorted all his toys in so many different ways!

We also snuck out to play in all the leaves one day this week in the school field!  We made a huge pile and we jumped and buried one another!  So much fun in 1B!!

Check out the October Photo Link for more pictures!

See you Tuesday!

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